Thursday, September 9, 2021


 I have started further research into trailers using the FDA's teaching trailer online course, from which these resources have come. 

I watched the trailer for Booksmart before considering the following questions about trailers in general
Film space questions on trailers

1. What do you think the major elements of a film marketing campaign are?
I believe the major elements are digital and physical elements. Digital can be broken down into media adverts such as television or radio, social media campaigns and the film website, containing convergent links. An example of this is with Black Panther, that utilised all of these aspects extremely well, spreading word about the film effectively. 
Physical marketing strategies include billboards, posters and other kinds of visual adverts. Black Panther also used these in its marketing campaign, featuring posters of the film in Hollywood, Los Angeles and London.

2. Where might you expect to see different parts of the marketing campaign
Social media, billboards, television and radio adverts are amongst the most popular forms of marketing and would most likely be the place where most people see the film and are enlightened on it. Billboards will feature still images of the film, whilst social media accounts for the film might display trailers and clips of the film.

3. What factors make you want to go and see a film? How do you decide which films to see?
For me, the video clips I see of the film on social media are the biggest factor that makes me want to see a film. This is because it shows the plot line, events that occur in the movie and generally presents the viewer with what genre the film is. 

The way I decide which films to see is through word of mouth, such as recommendations from friends, family or online film critics. This is because when I see many good reviews for a film, I am interested as to why it is rated so highly, so want to go see why everyone likes the film so much.

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