Film Posters

Poster development by Sam de Bruin



  1. GOODFELLAS POSTER You have understood the key draw of star talent, in this case, De Niro, whose image dominates the centre of visual interest and whose name is also central and highest, to catch the eye of fans. You refer to the function of the tagline (not called the 'punchline') and note how it emphasises the genre. The font used in the title is a traditional serif font, connoting an old-school setting and lending weight to the trio. Perhaps mention the darkness and sombre seriousness of the image and colours.

  2. SCARFACE POSTER This poster has very striking visual codes that make it unlike most others. You need to draw attention to two visual features: it is divided into black and white straight down the centre line; the image is more line drawing than photograph. What are the connotations of the monochrome with its stark contrasts? The effect is to make 'Scarface' both stylish and smooth, the sort of man who could indeed, as the tagline states, enter society and succeed in the American Dream; it equally suggests his menacing quality, his underlying propensity for violence, clear also from the gun, which stands out. You do make reference to the impact of the colour red. As with the previous poster, the name of the star talent is prioritised at the top with equal billing to the film title.

  3. SCENT OF A WOMAN POSTER You have learned trailer terminology and know that referencing the previous work of a director is called using 'pedigree'; the same applies here to the top line. You understand this as well as the draw of A list star talent like Pacino whose name is even larger than the film title. You write well about the colours and mise-en-scene, and their connotations. You did not perhaps investigate the films genre as you Do not identify it; therefore you also miss the important visual clue that the character played by Pacino is blind, wears dark glasses and uses a cane to find his way. The clear age difference between the two characters, who are nevertheless walking very close together in step, combined with the romantic reference of the film title, and the resume of the plot, creates the intrigue.

    You have conducted relevant research which you present creatively in appropriate formats. Your research shows clear articulate reflection and sound knowledge of genre conventions, which you have applied in your own work with success; the early drafts of your poster reflected your understanding that you needed to reconsider proportions in the layout and the placement of text. In your final production, your centre of visual interest features an arresting image; the bold contrasting colour choices are strong; and the font choices signal the genre. Other genre codes and conventions are met.



  Sam de Bruin - Candidate number: 1815 I collaborated with ben Richardson 1853, Matt Heyns 1828 and Finn Hanley 1824 We made a promotion pa...