Thursday, September 9, 2021


The FDA resource 'Teaching Trailers' suggest that whilst a film should clearly present the viewer a genre in order to help audiences decide whether they would enjoy the film. In addition to this, the marketing campaign and the film trailer should also offer the viewer new experiences that sets the film apart from others in the same genre. This is known as a unique selling point or USP.

I have looked at three trailers and identified what the USP was in each of the trailers. 

Inception (2010)

The trailer for Inception showed how the concept of the film was different to any other film produced. The viewer felt excited to be visiting these dystopian events in the trailer. The USP is the concept of the movie. Going into someone's dreams had never professionally been done in a film; before Inception. The viewer feels baffled by the concept and how they would go about doing it. 

La Haine (1995)

La Haine's trailer gave the audience a taste of what the film was like. Film noir, spoken in French and the gangster-like behaviour of the main characters. The USP of La Haine is that it is in black and white and that it is spoken in French, not English like most popular films. This sets it apart from the general mainstream film audience, targeting a more prestige audience.

Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)

Star Wars went against the grain that the other films being released in 1977 were following. The believable CGI and futuristic scenes are the revolutionary aspects of Star Wars. This is because no other production company was doing this in 1977. The visionary concept and superb execution were the USP's of Star Wars

1 comment:

  1. Well presented work. You have made excellent use of the FDA's 'Teaching Trailers' resource which in this unit explained that audiences like to recognise genre when they watch a trailer, but that in order to attract audiences into the cinema, all films should offer a USP. The task asked you to identify the USP of three films.
    the films offered by the FDA as tasks were THE LION KING where you were asked to identify the high quality animation with its appeal to adult audiences as well as children, thereby broadening their appeal.
    LATE NIGHT This asked you to identify the USPs of the themes of empowerment and the casting of A listers.
    SPIES IN DISGUISE The USP here was the mix of comedy and spy genre as well as the key draw of A listers, (note diversity of representations).
    You have picked three films of your own, and I have read your analyses with interest, and largely agree with what you identify as the USPs.



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