Wednesday, November 3, 2021


To reach a target audience, you have to have a good knowledge on their full profile. This includes age, gender, ethnicity, preferences etc. I will be looking at various characteristics such as favourite films, way of dressing, music they listen to and other parts that will allow me to understand my audience deeper as people. As a result, I will know what I have to do to target my audience and where to market my film, in order to gain the widest possible audience possible.

I also looked at the ways other production companies targeted their audience. I did this through looking at their audience profile and seeing how they categorised it. I learnt how detailed the audience profiles were and the sheer amount of variables they look at. They do this to have the best understanding over what their target audience does, so they can market their products tailored to what their audience does.

To plan how to reach your specific target audience you need to know who they are and what their interests are. You create an audience questionnaire to research the age, gender, ethnicity and social class of your target audience. You also find out what their media needs and wants are so that you can create a film that will satisfy them. Ultimately in order to market your movie you have to find out the best way to reach your target audience. To show how your research has helped with your planning, you have answered the questions below with pictures to support your post. 

1. Who is my primary target audience?

15-25 year old male/female. 

2. What kind of films and television are they likely to prefer?

I believe they would prefer horror films. These films include The Conjuring, The Paranormal trilogy, The Blair Witch Project, The Shining. 

3. What platforms do they choose to watch films and where are they likely to see information about films?

I think they would watch Netflix, Prime and other streaming services. Social media would be the main source of information through platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and possibly Twitter. I believe FaceBook as a social media platform is more aimed towards an older audience so wouldn't access the target market we are trying to market to.

4. What brands do they prefer?

They would prefer mainstream brands, due to how our film is a horror movie which most teens and young adults enjoy. I have already listed the social media platforms they would use. They would wear brands like Nike and Adidas which they would buy from JD Sports. They would listen to mainstream music such as UK rap artists like Dave, Stormy and Ardee. They would watch the film at general cinemas like The Odeon or the Vue. They would eat at McDonalds, Pizza Express and other mainstream restaurants. 

5. What makes my film stand out from the competition?

Our film is shot in found footage. This is our USP as not many other films are shot like this. Found footage is camera footage from a first person view that has been shot by the character themselves. Because of this, the audience gets a personal view on the film and is immersed more into the film as they see the events from the character's perspective.

. Why should my audience watch my film?

My audience should watch my film because of how eery the film is. It is not a traditional horror movie but will keep the audience on the edge of their seat for the whole duration of the film. 

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