Thursday, September 9, 2021


I looked at three trailers on the teaching trailers resource supplied by the FDA online in order to further my understanding of why trailers are made and how they signal the film's genre

The Mustang

The trailer for Mustang indicates it is a film for adults. The main theme is the man getting his life back on track through taming a feisty and aggressive horse which everyone else struggled to do. The genre is action/adventure

Fast and Furious

The trailer for Fast and Furious presents to the viewer how action packed and fast paced the film is. Gun shots, people being hit in the face, cars flying in the air. This film is aimed at people over the age of 15 due to the violent themes and visual gore. The genre is action

Artemis Fowl

Clearly from the start of the trailer, this film was aimed at children. This was because of the main actor being a child and the film being produced by Disney, the popular children's television company. The genre for this film is action/apocalypse.

1 comment:


  Sam de Bruin - Candidate number: 1815 I collaborated with ben Richardson 1853, Matt Heyns 1828 and Finn Hanley 1824 We made a promotion pa...